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Providing Expert Witness Services Relating To ADA & Disability Related Issues

As a person with a disability Dr. Nourse provides a unique first-person perspective when he testifies as an expert witness in legal matters relating to interpretations of The American's With Disabilities Act (ADA). He provides insight to the ADA as it applies to the provision of services to persons with disabilities, employment issues, public access concerns, and K-12 and postsecondary educational issues.

Dr. Nourse has provided services for legal agencies by reviewing and analyzing disability related ADA documents, providing attorneys with the strengths and weaknesses of a case, testifying in mediations, conducting residence and worksite accessibility reviews, written reports, declarations, depositions, questions prepared for interrogatories, determining reasonable accommodations and identifying general discriminatory practices. He has also been retained for litigation support on personal injury suits relating to disability issues. His clients include private attorneys, school districts, colleges, and the public at large.

Disability Access provides a full range of expert witness testimony services for legal disputes. He has worked with civil rights disputes, ADA compliance issues and handicapped accessability development. web design