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Services most requested:

Expert witness Dr. Nourse can provide services for legal agencies by reviewing and analyzing disability related ADA documents.

Conducting facility reviews  (transition plans) to determine areas of inaccessibility in your facility and to keep past transition plans current with State and Federal codes.

Completing a self-evaluation  of your policies and procedures to make sure they comply with the ADA.

Reviewing construction and building plans  to make sure that new construction has been designed to be totally barrier free. The ADA is a civil rights law, not just a code for access. There may be issues of equal treatment covered by ADA about which your architect may not be aware.

Providing in-service training opportunities  for on-line staff administrators regarding disability awareness and the accomodations and provisions contained in the ADA.

Facilitating ADA task-force meetings  It is important to have task-force members who are knowledgeable of ADA requirements. The task force needs to be gently and effectively guided.

Leading diversity training seminars that address race, gender, age and disability discrimination concerns.

Providing public speaking and keynoting  lectures for workshops addressing issues of disability. web design